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TV channel entirely dedicated to culture, arts and creativity. Canal180 spotlights the roots of contemporary creativity by highlighting the thoughts and ideas of artists worldwide.
The collaborative process has always been the core of Canal180’s identity:
They collaborate with cultural entities like the British Council, Gulbenkian, Serralves, Casa da Música, or MAAT. They also partnered with We are Europe, an association of 8 major European events, to develop a series of films, that aim to build a conversation around the future of today’s society.
▶ I directed and produced a documentary called "Cross Culture" a documentary aggregating a set of conversations with artists and programmers involved in the Party Sleep Repeat festival, with the motto of Luís Lima (victim of Cancer in 2012) and the root of the festival creation, being a living example of how culture intersects with other spheres of action, showing the relevance of culture, not only from an artistic point of view, but also exposing its social role.
▶ Collaborated in some commercial projects for NOS
▶ Promotional videos for the channel and socials.
▶ Also helped as a Boom Operator, the audio interview capturing with 8 investigators from Porto of the project "The science that drives the future | Start & Scale Week 2021" - 20 minutes of Science as a step to the future.

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